The absorption test measures the degree to which water will penetrate a stone or tile, measured at a weight percentage.
A stone sample is cut to specified size, kiln dried, and then weighed accurately. The dry sample is then immersed in water for a specified period of time and then weighed again. The difference in weight (as a percentage) is a measure of the amount of water that penetrated the stone sample.
Non-vitreous (Low density) – Stone or tile with water absorption of more than 7.0 percent
Semi-vitreous (Medium density) – Stone or tile with water absorption of more than 3.0 percent, but not more than 7.0 percent
Vitreous (High Density) – Stone or tile with water absorption of more than 0.5 percent, but not more than 3.0 percent
Impervious (Extremely dense) – Stone or tile with water absorption of 0.5 percent or less. This is where porcelain tile is generally categorized
Our Soapstone is rated at 0.11% and easily exceeds the minimum standard for the impervious rating.
Our Soapstone thrives in a wet environment.
Slip resistance ANSI 137.1 & ANSI B101.3
“The soapstone has a wet dynamic coefficient of friction of 0.56 when tested according to ANSI B137.1 and a wet DCOF of 0.55 when tested according to ANSI B101.3.
Both results are well above the minimum requirement for being classified as a high slip resistance tile when wet according to both standards, which is 0.42.”
Jason Young, B.E.Sc., M.A.Sc., P.Eng.
Advantage Forensics
Our Soapstone thrives in a wet environment.
Sustainable slip resistance - SSR
Our soapstone shower floors have been tested to be sustainably slip resistant.
This means that your shower floor will last a lifetime with simple soap and water cleaning.
Our Soapstone thrives in a wet environment.
Sustainable Design
Simple extraction - simple processing - simple installation - simple maintenance - our shower floors help the environment by being simple and long lasting.